

I'm back to hopefully continue this blog sporadically over the next few months if procrastination does not get the best of me. This blog was originally created as a way to create an online presence as well as mixing it with a hobby I love. I want to continue to create content where I can develop my skills. Now that the assignment is done, I can look back and give an e

valuation of what went well and what didn't go quite as well (in the words of Hannah Montana “Nobody’s Perfect”.) Enough of 2000s Disney references, in communications and public relations it is important to evaluate from research to the overall campaign to understand what could be improved on. 

What went well:

  • I pride myself on creating and curating a wide range of content and the infographics, videos and content developed over this time proves that. 

  • One key aspect of this campaign was to promote engagement and while I sadly could never reach the heights of Bella Hadid at least an effort was made and some reaction did occur such as being promoted on PR Place quite a few times. 

  • Educating people on PR with a gaming twist with information that was entertaining and interesting

What needs a little improvement:

  • Research is an incredibly important aspect of PR from researching the target audience and methods to gain attention to the product or service itself. While some research did occur before and during the creation of the online content, if I focused on it more during the future I would avoid problems such as deciding to change platforms so I could embed content or realising that for my Instagram post it would need to be shortened to stop it from going to two posts. 

  • Search Engine Optimization is an important tool that practitioners should use if they want their work to be seen. While I did put them into hashtags in the future I will be trying my best to incorporate them into posts. 

  • While I am happy with the way I presented gaming and public relations, future content posts could further emphasise both of the sectors such as interviews with those in the industry. As well as further showcase my social media links throughout the blog.

What did I learn ? 


Just kidding, through this experience I learned how to effectively manage my time to prevent a cluster of blog and social media posts, the importance of a content calendar and social media were also skills and knowledge that was developed. 

Next post: Patreon, Kickstarter and Indiegogo- How indie gaming flourished because of backers and what that means for the PR industry. Thursday 16 Feb


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